Understand Your Aura Color, Elevate Your Love Life feat. Mystic Michaela

We are so excited to welcome back aura reader extraordinaire Mystic Michaela! She explains aura colors and how to find yours, reads our auras and analyzes how and why they’ve changed since our last reading in 2020, and we talk about how understanding your aura can help you in all your relationships. Then she breaks down each color and their strengths and weaknesses in dating, while also providing tips and tools to navigate your love life with your aura color in mind. AND she reads the auras of Ashley’s boyfriend and Rayna’s upcoming dates! Before Mystic Michaela joins us, we’re deep diving (ie. ranting) on fashion trends from quiet luxury to mob wife, reminiscing on the worst/weirdest trends from the early 2000s, and talking about finding your own personal style. Enjoy!

Check out Mystic Michaela on Instagram @MysticMichaela, listen to her podcast Know Your Aura with Mystic Michaela, and get her book What’s My Aura by visiting https://www.mysticmichaela.com/

Follow us on Instagram @girlsgottaeatpodcast, Ashley @ashhess, and Rayna @rayna.greenberg. Visit girlsgottaeat.com for tour dates, merchandise, and more.

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Hello Fresh: Get free breakfast for life at https://hellofresh.com/GGEFREE with code GGEFREE. 

Buffy: Get $20 off your order at https://buffy.co with code GGE.

AG1: Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 + 5 free travel packs with your first purchase at https://drinkAG1.com/gge

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